Cross-generational connections

Please support our JCC.

Your support allows us to enrich lives, build community, and inspire Jewish journeys.

As we emerge from the pandemic, we need our community more than ever, and you can help us recover in many ways. Please consider becoming a donor. Your gift of any size is needed and appreciated. You also help us when you attend an online program and invite your friends. Let your neighbors know about our Preschool Program. Enroll your favorite children or teens in Camp Kehillah. Restart your fitness center membership, or participate in our online cultural arts, travel, tastings, and classes.

Please help in all the ways that are meaningful to you.

Strengthen our community by making a gift today.

Click below to donate now or to consider additional options
for showing your support and appreciation
for the role the OMJCC has played in your life.

child and adults playing dreidel

Your gift helps sustain Jewish culture by funding community programs for members of every age and background.

Make a Gift

Donate by phone, by mail, in person, or online.

Make a gift, donate by phone, mail, in person, or online.

Perhaps you wish to recognize a program that moved you, or you want to honor someone who made your day brighter.

A gift of any size is welcome, needed, and appreciated.

Send a check:
Write a check out to “Osher Marin JCC” and send it to:

Development Department
Osher Marin JCC
200 North San Pedro Rd.
San Rafael, CA 94903

Corporate Gift Matching

Double your donation.

Double your donation with corporate gift matching.

What is corporate gift matching?

Corporate gift matching is when a company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations (The Osher Marin JCC is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and eligible for most Employer Matching Gift Programs). It’s an easy way to double your gift to the JCC and your positive impact on the community!

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

If you have questions regarding submitting a matching gift request to the JCC, please contact Michael Benesch, Development Officer at 415.444.8032 or

Join the Circle.

Demonstrate your commitment to our community.

Century Circle

Century Circle members choose to deepen their commitment to the survival and continuation of our very special community with an annual gift of $1,000 or more because they know that the Osher Marin JCC is more than just their gym, more than just the preschool that their kids attend, and more than where they go for great events and exhibits.

As a Century Circle member, we show our appreciation with unique privileges:

•  Invitations to exclusive Century Circle events
•  Priority registration for Cultural Arts Trips
•  Priority seating and parking at selected events
•  Special recognition on printed materials

A Gift of Securities

Invest in your JCC.

Invest in your JCCCC with a Gift of Securities.

A gift of securities is often one of the best ways to maximize the tax benefits of your gift, particularly if the stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares have appreciated in value since you originally purchased them.

If the stock you are donating resides in a brokerage or bank trust account, please notify your stock broker or banker authorizing the transfer to transfer the stock to the Osher Marin JCC account using the following information:

Broker:   First Republic Securities Company
Name on Account:   Bernard Osher Marin Jewish Community Center
Osher Marin JCC Account Number:   33L171601
DTC Number:   0443
Osher Marin JCC Federal Tax ID No.:   68-0360243

For questions, please contact Michael Benesch, Development Officer at 415.444.8032 or

A Legacy Donation

Your donation lives on.

We all want to make a difference, leave a legacy, and make life better for future generations. Donors to the Osher Marin JCC Legacy Circle are following the example of our founders and ensuring their own personal legacy by including the OMJCC in their estate plans.

What are the benefits of making a Legacy Gift?
Legacy gifts offer a way to make a meaningful gift that you may not be able to make during your lifetime. This gift shows your support and appreciation for the role the OMJCC has played in your life.

Legacy Circle members receive special recognition in our lobby, impact report, website and other materials, as well as invitations to exclusive events specifically for Legacy Circle members.

How do I make a Legacy Gift?
There are several options including:

•  A bequest in your will or living trust
•  An IRA, Keogh, 401K or other retirement plan
•  A life insurance policy
•  A charitable trust

Why is a Legacy Gift important?
Legacy gifts help ensure the long-term sustainability and financial health of the OMJCC.

Want to join the Legacy Circle?
Please contact Ian McCuaig, Chief Development Officer, at 415.444.8025 or or fill out our Letter of Intent and send it back to us.

Vehicle Donations

Donate your used car.

Want to offload your old used car, get a tax write-off, and support the JCC?

We’ve partnered with fellow nonprofit Charitable Adult Rides & Services (CARS) to pick up and sell your used car and provide the proceeds to the JCC. It’s simple and easy!

For more information, please contact:
Michael Benesch, Development Officer

Sign up for more information about all of our programs, events, classes, and more!